Finding Points of Interest

Finding Points of Interest

Whenever we plan a big trip, part of that process is researching points of interest along the way.  In anticipation of September’s excursion, I spent several hours last week online with a list of stops on one screen and Google open on the other ordering brochures, downloading PDF files and bookmarking websites.

This week the ones I ordered have started arriving.  Colorado Springs, Utah, Arizona, and San Francisco  all tempt me with myriad adventures.   Unfortunately, we’ll never have enough time to do it all.  That would require a stay of about a month per location.

So, the next few weeks will be spent reading through the information and making lists.  Then consulting Jim on his preferences.  Of course, I know anything that includes a train will be a definite event, but there are many other criteria: expense, time, and distance being the main ones.  So much to do and so little time to accomplish it.  Half the fun is in the planning.

As decisions are made, I’ll add a short paragraph to that week’s post regarding our anticipated activities so that you, our friends, can have an idea of what we’ll be doing.  If you have suggestions, feel free to comment.

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