Where did 2018 go??
Well, as we draw 2018 to a close I thought I’d do a bit of a look back and some of the events since our last post in July!
One of the biggest things was our trip to St. Louis, MO for the baptism of my great-great nephew and sis’s great-grandson Liam, the son of Katie and Colt. Yeah, I know most folks call Colt by his given name, Faron these days, but he’s always been Colt to me and old habits are hard to break!

We all had a great time and it was good to visit and catch-up with everyone!! We were able to visit the museum there and I even got to do a little railfanning, even though I only caught one train!!

Several of the kids participated in their very first parades this fall as well. Damion, Elaina, Jayden and Xaver all rode in a float during the Veterans Day Parade and also in the Christmas Parade! They all had a great time and can’t wait till next year!
Also, Sloane was baby Jesus this year at the Annual Return To Bethlehem presentation at the First Baptist Church, along with dad Seth and mom Melanie! Of course we all made the pilgrimage to Bethlehem to pay our respects!
On December 23 Elaina, Journey, Damion and Jayden were all in the Christmas Nativity Scene at church! The girls were both Angels and the boys were Shepherds! They all did a fantastic job!
To finish out the holiday season mostly everyone met over at Jeanne and David’s house for their annual Christmas party and a visit from jolly Saint Nick himself!
We’ll see what 2019 has in store for us!