Coordinating Toddler Schedules
As you can see from the new countdown plugin, we have several trips planned. I will be researching for most of them over the next few months and will be posting highlights from what I find from time to time. One trip that we are trying to put together is still up in the air because of scheduling problems.
My oldest daughter, Chrystal, is currently living in Chicago. She is a favorite with all our Littles and they miss her very much since she moved last summer. She comes home to visit as often as possible, but it’s a six hour drive each way and that limits her trips to once a month or so. It’s hard for toddlers to understand why she isn’t here more and they have no concept of where she’s now living.
So, she and I decided last fall that we’d plan a trip this summer for her grandson, Xavier, along with Damion and Elaina, to see where she lives and works. There are a million fascinating things to see and do in Chicago and we know they will have an amazing time. It would be nice if we could take all seven of the ones who live here, but traveling with that many under the age of six is too much even for me. As it turns out, getting three of them there may be too much.
Obviously, we thought, the trip would have to wait until school was out. I suggested sometime in June. She said, “Probably not. I think Xavier will be in Texas with his dad then. July is also impossible, even if Xavier is home by then, Damion and Elaina both have birthdays that month, as does one of Xavier’s sisters that lives in Texas. School starts back the first week of August. Damion spends every other weekend with his dad, so that left only two available weekends in May. We settled on the week of May 20th. When we started notifying parents, Damion and Elaina’s grandmother said, “No, we’ve already got plane and hotel reservations to take them to the beach that weekend. (Hmph, sigh) 🙄 Back to the drawing board.
Another consideration, Damion and Elaina will be playing T Ball this summer. We don’t have schedules for that yet, so we can’t even begin to see how it will affect things. Their grandparents will also want to take them camping, at least once. They only do one kid at a time, so that ties up two more weekends.
Maybe we should just give up on the summer. It is much shorter than it used to be when school didn’t start back until Labor Day week. I’m thinking maybe we’ll have to wait until fall break in October. We are both retired. Chrystal is off every weekend. The kids are five and under. Scheduling shouldn’t be this hard. I dread to think what it will be like when they are ten.
3 thoughts on “Coordinating Toddler Schedules”
Sometimes it’s hard having kids that are so popular! LOL Nice post Sis! I’m going to do one about Pennyrile next week.
Chris and I could try to bring the Adrianna and Ariel up there to visit as well and just bring Xavier back with us if that is okay with his mother. I will talk to Chris and see if he will have time to take off around that time. That should help?
We’d love to see the girls. I just don’t think it would be practical for y’all to do all that extra driving. But, please bring them along.