From Planned to Spontaneous

From Planned to Spontaneous

I make several trips a year to Chicago. My oldest daughter, Chrystal, lives there, and I take the train from Carbondale to Chicago’s Union Station whenever there’s a concert or other event I want to attend.  We usually plan these trips months ahead of time.  We buy the tickets for the event and the train.  I decide if I want to drive to Carbondale the night before or wait until the morning I’m catching the train.  If I’m going up the night before, the hotel reservations are made ahead of time too.  We plan every moment of the time I’m there as well.  We are not, normally, spontaneous people.

It’s all very coordinated.  I always take the early morning train so that I get into Chicago early enough to sightsee or get settled before dinner.  The trip has almost taken on the characteristics of a commute.  The same train at the same time, both going and coming back.  The train, called the Saluki, leaves Carbondale at 7:30 am and arrives at Union Station sometime after 1pm depending on traffic.   The return train leaves Chicago at 8:15 am and is scheduled to arrive in Carbondale at 1:45pm, which allows me to get home in time for dinner.  However, if you are planning to try this trip, I warn you, although the trains leave on time, they don’t usually arrive that way.  Traffic on the lines causes frequent delays from 15 minutes up to an hour.

Despite the delays, I have discovered that I like train travel better than driving myself.  The advantage of the train is that it is no more expensive than driving, plus I can relax and spend the time reading or napping instead of fighting traffic.  They have snacks and drinks for sale, although the menu is limited and the items about the same as at an amusement park. The seats relatively comfortable and bathrooms are clean. I really wish we had a more extensive rail system in this country.  I would travel to many other places.

The latest visit was for a White Sox Baseball game the last week of June.  We’d made the train reservation a couple of months in advance.  I’d decided to get up early and drive to Carbondale the morning of my reservation.  The only thing left to do was buy the game tickets.  It was a group purchase through Chrystal’s office. 

When it came time to buy the tickets, she asked if I’d be willing to bring her grandson, Xavier, with me.  He’d never ridden a train, seen a baseball game, or been to visit her in Chicago.  Of course, I said sure.  I regularly herd toddlers.  One six-year-old would be a snap. After coordinating things with his mother, we added him to my train reservation and Chrystal bought him a ticket for the ballgame. Since I was going to have him along, we decided it would be better to go to Carbondale the night before instead of dragging him out of bed at 4am to make the morning drive.  We made a hotel reservation in Carbondale for the night before the train and all was set.

Then things got more complicated.  Xavier’s dad, Chris (my grandson), lives in Texas.  Chrystal takes him there to visit several times a year.  He usually spends school breaks (spring, fall, and Christmas) and, at least, a couple of weeks in the summer with his dad, stepmom and 2 little sisters.  Things had been up in the air about when he would leave this summer and they decided, at the last minute, that he should go the first week of July, then his dad would bring him home at the end of the month in time for school to start.

Chrystal said, since we were coming home from Chicago on June 30th and she needed to leave Madisonville for Texas on July 2nd, it would make more sense for us to ride back in the car with her instead of coming home on the train.  So, we changed the train reservation from round trip to one way.  It required a phone call to Amtrak, but they made the adjustment without a problem and the refund for the original trip went through in a couple of days. Again, things were set, plans adjusted.

I keep two of my other greats, Damion and Elaina, while their mother works, so I waited until she got off at 4pm before picking Xavier up and leaving town.  We got on the road around five which made it late for dinner when we got to Carbondale.  We just got take out and went back to the hotel to eat in the room. 

Here’s where things went sideways.  For some reason, I got the 8:15 Chicago departure time in my head instead of the Carbondale 7:30.  I set my alarm for 6:30 am, thinking it would give us plenty of time to get to the station. The next morning, I showered before waking the boy.  We dressed and took our bags to the car, then went back inside to check out the continental breakfast offerings.  Xavier was thinking he wanted waffles.  I was hoping for something with more protein.  Then I checked the time and saw that it was already 7:15.  Getting ready had taken longer than I expected.  I told him there wasn’t time for waffles and we just grabbed muffins to take along. 

We got to the train station about 7:25 and found a parking space.  Xavier was very excited to see the train already sitting there.  As I was navigating the menu of the parking ticket machine, he started yelling.

“Mamaw, the train is moving.” 

I turned around and watched our 7:30 am train head toward Chicago without us.  I had already paid for a parking slot and didn’t really want to drive my car to Chicago anyway, so we went inside to speak to the station attendant.  He said, since we came in just after the train left, he could just transfer our reservation to the afternoon train that would be leaving at 4:15pm for no extra charge. But, he warned, it would be arriving late in Chicago due to maintenance delays on the line.  He said it would probably be at least an hour past the scheduled 9:45 pm arrival time.

I called Chrystal and explained the situation, pushing away the vague feelings of anxiety.  We weren’t stranded. Our tickets were taken care of and I had the car, although moving it meant losing the money I had already paid for 4 days of parking.  We were in a, relatively, small town, not a strange city. Safety wasn’t an issue. Still, our carefully planned trip was out of sync.

Chrystal asked what we would do all day and I said: “Well, first of all, we’re going to the IHOP back over by the hotel and get breakfast.  We also need to go to Walmart.  He doesn’t like the coloring pencils I brought.  He wants crayons instead.  He also needs a long-sleeved shirt or lightweight jacket.  Then we’ll decide where to spend the day.”

She said, “Ok, I’ll do some research on the area and let you know what’s available.”   

As we were eating breakfast, she texted me links to a children’s museum and a small park based on Dungeons and Dragons

She said, “Other than the movie theater, that seems to be about the only options that sound practical.”

We agreed that, since the theater didn’t open until 1 pm, a movie wasn’t practical.  I planned on being back at the Amtrak station an hour before our departure time, even though it meant sitting in their utilitarian plastic chairs while we waited for the train.  I really didn’t want any more alterations to our agenda.

At Walmart, I discovered they didn’t have any jackets and the only long-sleeved shirts they had were dress shirts.  I finally found a pullover sweater in his size on a clearance rack.  We grabbed a box of crayons and decided to do the park first while it was still cool.  It was drizzling rain, but we had umbrellas and figured we’d be ok.  I put the address into my phone GPS and we drove there only to find the gate locked.  A sign said they were closed during inclement weather.  Things were not looking up.

Finding the museum was more challenging since the link only gave me a street address and, when we got there, the sign pointing the way only had the name of the museum.  It appeared, on the GPS map to be behind the mall.  I circled the entire space and didn’t find it.  We decided to go inside the mall and see if we could find someone to give us directions.  As we entered, I decided to check out the “you are here” map and realized the museum was actually inside the mall.  We waited on a convenient bench for it to open, paid the $5 fees and went inside.  It was a fascinating place.  Xavier loved it.  We spent a couple of hours there and I had to promise him McDonalds for lunch to drag him away.








When we came out of the mall, the sun was shining and the rain had moved away.  After lunch, we found the park gates open and were both enchanted with this small park that was built by a grieving father as a tribute to the son he had lost. 

Xavier climbed up and down through the castle, exploring every nook and cranny.  After a while, my elderly joints gave out and I sat on a shady bench in front of the main entrance watching him climbing around and running along the ramparts with the other kids there.  Eventually, he came and asked if he could take pictures with my phone, then went back inside.  As time to leave drew near, we wandered the grounds while he posed for pictures with his favorite statues. 

It was nearly midnight when we finally pulled into Chicago’s Union Station. It had been a long, sometimes frustrating, but finally, satisfying day.  Our Chicago agenda had to be revised to make up for the lost afternoon, but the time wasn’t wasted.  Our Carbondale side trip was just as much fun for our six-year-old kid as anything we had planned in advance. He wants very much to go back.  Next time it will be part of the planning.

A visit to Cane Ridge Meeting House, Paris, Kentucky

A visit to Cane Ridge Meeting House, Paris, Kentucky

On June 23rd, 2018 Sis and I made an overnight road trip to Cane Ridge, Kentucky, which is the birthplace of the Disciples of Christ Church movement in the early 1800’s, which we belong to as do many others in our family.

It was interesting to see and walk around the grounds of the Cane Ridge Meeting house and to see how well the site has been preserved!

Below is a video I did from the morning session, I hope you all enjoy.

Meeting up with fellow railfans from Facebook

Meeting up with fellow railfans from Facebook

From left, Jim, Javid and Ryan waiting to shoot some street running action at La Grange, Ky – Photo by Adam Hill

This past weekend my good friend Ryan Scott from the Ft. Branch, Indiana area and I set-out on a day-long trip to photograph trains between Princeton, Indiana and what started out to be Louisville, Ky, but turned out to be La Grange, Ky. Our plan was to meet up with a fellow railfan friend of ours from Facebook, Javid Beykzadeh. Little did I realize that I’d end up meeting several more friends from Facebook while we were at it including, Adam Hill, Josh Kellerman, and Erik Landrum

The railfanning community is actually fairly large, if you take in the world and that’s pretty much what Facebook does for us. I have friends who are railfans from pretty much all over the world and it’s always cool to meetup in person in our travels in search of that perfect train picture! 

All my family already know my obsession with trains and photographing them whenever I can. Even, my nieces and nephews know about my love for trains, and I hope that I’m passing some of that onto them, but I digress.

As railfan trips go, this was a really good one with Ryan and I photographing 5 different railroads before the day was over. Evansville Western Railway, CSX, Norfolk Southern, Indiana Southern Railway and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway. As day road trips go for me railfanning, this was a really good one!

Some of our group photographing Southbound with BNSF War Bonnet 791 at La Grange, Ky, – Photo by Jim Pearson


Other favorite photos of mine from our day-long trip are posted below.

June 9, 2018 – There’s just something about the lure of street running trains and when you throw in a BNSF War Bonnet, well, it makes it even better. Here we have a southbound CSX Q231-08 as begins to make it’s way through downtown La Grange toward Louisville, Ky. 

June 9, 2018 Norfolk Southern Heritage Unit 8099, “Southern” passes the signal at milepost 209.8, at Jefferson Township, Indiana, as it makes its way west on the NS Southern-East District. This scheme is from the Southern Railway (GE) which originated as the South Carolina Canal and Rail Road Company in 1827. On Christmas Day, 1830, it put into service the nation’s first regularly scheduled steam passenger train, “The Best Friend of Charleston.” Southern was incorporated in 1894 from the reorganization and consolidation of numerous predecessors, and absorbed another 68 railroad companies over the next six years.

June 9, 2018 – Here we find a crew getting NS Heritage 8099, Southern Unit, ready for pickup by an, Duke Energy coal train, at the NS Yard Office in Princeton, Indiana, after storms passed through the area. We got lots of great photographs, which you’ll see over the days to come and also met-up with several fellow railfans in person that we’ve been friends with on Facebook for sometime!

June 9, 2018 Norfolk Southern Heritage Unit 8099, “Southern” passes the signal at milepost 209.8, at Jefferson Township, Indiana, as it makes its way west on the NS Southern-East District. This scheme is from the Southern Railway (GE) which originated as the South Carolina Canal and Rail Road Company in 1827. On Christmas Day, 1830, it put into service the nation’s first regularly scheduled steam passenger train, “The Best Friend of Charleston.” Southern was incorporated in 1894 from the reorganization and consolidation of numerous predecessors, and absorbed another 68 railroad companies over the next six years. 


Catching up on things for 2018!

Catching up on things for 2018!

Chrystal, myself and sister April enjoy some Chicago Style Pizza at a local place a few blocks from her apartment. Good stuff, but way too much for the three of us to eat!!

Well, as always, we’ve both been behind on doing our blog posts here!! It’s not that we haven’t been on roadtrips since September, but haven’t taken the time to write about them, so this post will cover a bit!!

My sister April and I both love to travel and even though we’ve been cutting back lately as we’re trying to save up for a trip to Europe in 2019 to visit with my nephew Brad and his family, who’s stationed in the Air Force in Germany. I lived in the Frankfurt, Germany area for 3 years when I was in the Air Force and made many, many more trips back to Europe on photo assignments after I left, until I retired from the Air Force in 1995. I haven’t been back since then and really looking forward to a return trip to some of my old stomping grounds, plus a few new spots I didn’t make it to, such as Ireland!

However, this post is about catching up so here goes!!!

Fall Photography Weekend at Pennyrile and Shutterbug Kids

Jayden was all smiles after picking up his “Best of Show” trophy for the Kids Division at Pennyrile Forest’s Fall Photography Weekend.

In October we took my nephew Jayden (5-year-old Shutterbug Jayden) with us to the Fall Photography Weekend at Pennyrile Resort Park in Dawson Springs, Ky so he could participate in his first photography competition. Sis and I normally go every spring and fall and this year we’ve started taking one of the older kids; the fall was Jayden’s turn and he did outstanding in the kids division! There were about 10 or so kids this fall and one of his pictures won “Best in Show” for the division, and he also picked up a first and second place! We all were so proud of him! 

The category he won Best in Show with was “Water,” where he shot a photograph of canoes being reflected in the water at the boat dock. His 2nd place winner was in the “Close-Up” category with a flower being eaten by bugs. We all had a great time, but I think he had the best, especially when they presented him with his “Best of Show” Trophy. 

Next up will be Xavier when we attend the Spring Photography weekend in a few months. 

Chicago Trip to visit Chrystal

Our ride to Chicago, Illinois!

Our next trip was via Amtrak to visit my niece and my sisters daughter, Chrystal. She works for the EPA  there and we like to visit as often as we can. We took the train up, which of course is a favorite mode of travel in my book. The trip was pretty much centered around a concert by the group “Celtic Thunder” which we all three like a lot. We did a bit of other things such as the Christmas Market in downtown, but they both indulged me and my obsession for trains! The concert was great as was the market and other sights, but I enjoyed photographing and riding the trains of course. 

Railfan trips of Course

Other than the trips above, I’ve been out and about photographing trains of course! I usually try to get out at least once or twice a week somewhere in the tri-state area! Sometimes I link up with fellow railfans such as Ryan Scott or William Crupper, but more often as not it’s me, the scanner and my cameras! Sis doesn’t usually ride along when I’m out chasing trains! She puts up with my obsession on trips, but that’s about it! 

iPhone Black and White Photography Challenge

January 13, 2018 – Day 75 – iPhone Daily B&W Photo Challenge – Ties and Trees – This stack of railroad ties with the row of interesting trees in the background make for an interesting photograph! When out, always keep an eye out for things that make for good contrasting scenes!! I got the extra width in this photo by taking the picture while I was in video mode with the camera! That’s what that little silver button is for!!!

Another project I’ve been doing is a daily challenge where I shoot and post a black and white photo daily on my website and Facebook. Theme is pretty much anything I feel makes a good picture, which a lot of the time it ends up being the kids! I started this project as part of the week-long black and white challenge that was going around on Facebook this fall. 

I enjoy doing something along these lines from time to time as it forces be to think outside the box and to keep looking for something that makes for what I feel is a good photograph in black and white. I really enjoy black and white photography and while I do one daily as part of my routine for posting train photos, I wanted something different. I think these days black and white photography kinda has been taking a backseat to photography. It seems that the world has been consumed more by color with the advent of the smart phones. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still other folks shooting black and white, but I don’t think there’s as many as there used to be.

Upcoming Trips

This March sis and I are back to Chicago for another concert and to visit Chrystal. This time we’re going to listen to a group called “The High Kings” at the City Winery Chicago. Again we are going up on the train and I’m looking forward to going up in a bit nicer weather than our December trip!

Then in May I’ll be headed to Monticello Railway Museum in Monticello, Illinois with fellow railfans Ryan Scott and Bryan Burton for Southern Rail Productions photography charter with Southern Railway No. 401. This should be a fun trip and we all three are looking forward to the trip.





A “Jesus Loves Me” moment with Damion

A “Jesus Loves Me” moment with Damion

As I was strapping Damion into his booster seat he did his normal thing and grabbed my reading glasses from my pocket and put them on! I was also quick on the draw with my iPhone to catch this moment with him!

September 17, 2017 – Sunday we loaded Damion and Elaina into my RAV4, after a great day at church, and headed to our favorite after church place to eat, which is Silver Star. As I pulled out onto Main Street I could hear Damion singing, “Jesus Loves Me…” softly from the back seat! A moment that lifted my heart for sure. He and Elaina are in their second year of kids choir at church and their cousins Jayden and Journey started going this year. Nothing sweeter than the sound of a young child singing in my book!!! I just hope that they all continue to do so!!