And the Countdown Begins

And the Countdown Begins

One week to go.  I plan to pick up suntan lotion and insect repellant on Monday along with any other last minute items.  Jim is working on making adaptations to the back of the vehicle so that we can fit everything.  I’ll do laundry next Tuesday or Wednesday and pack on Thursday.  

I’m picking Elaina up from her horse-riding camp in Evansville all week except Thursday when Jim will take over because I have a doctor’s appointment.  I may start packing on Wednesday, just to be sure of getting it done in plenty of time.

We’ll leave early on Friday morning and have lunch in St. Louis.  Our first overnight is in Kansas City, a train center.  I’m sure Jim wants to get there before dark, so we won’t be making a lot of stops along the way.  Hopefully, we’ll find time to post as we go.  Jim says every day.  I’m doubtful we’ll make that, but maybe every other day.

Washington State, Here We Come

Washington State, Here We Come

Well, we’ve revised the route, twice.  I think it’s all planned now.  We won’t spend much time in Seattle itself, although I am excited to see the  Chihuly Garden and Glass museum.  Mostly though we’ll just use it as a convenient spot to sleep while we range out.  Mt. Rainier one day, Olympic National Park & Rialto Beach on another, then off to Spokane by way of North Cascades National Park, then down to Yellowstone, an overnight stay with my grandson and his family in South Dakota, and, finally, Omaha because Jim says it’s a big railroad center.

Of course, he’ll be looking for trains all along the route.  A couple of places that have steam trains are disappointingly not active on the days we’ll be in their area.  He’ll probably just have to settle for diesels.

I’ve printed out maps for the points of interest and put together a file folder to take along.  I’m pretty sure I’ve got the packing list completed.  It looks like a lot of stuff, but we’ve done this before and I’m pretty sure I can fit it all into three bags. My big suitcase holds most of my clothes and stays in the car except for Seattle itself.  I’ll use the small suitcase to pack daily stuff and take it into the hotels overnight.  I’ll have a carry-on type bag for shoes & toiletries.  

I’m really excited about the National Parks.  I’m expecting to get some great new photos for my desktop monitors and Facebook header pictures.


Getting Ready to Travel

Getting Ready to Travel

We are preparing to make a trip to Washington State in June.  Working on visiting all 48 contiguous states.  This trip will take us through several states we’ve already visited, of course, and add Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.  

We’ve planned our route, set the days, and made hotel reservations.  I’ve started a packing list.  It’s amazing how much stuff you need to be comfortable and healthy for two weeks.  If I don’t make a packing list ahead of time, I’ll find I’ve forgotten small things (Or even large things, one year I forgot to bring pajamas.).  For practical purposes, the list is broken down into categories: Clothing, Toiletries, Electronics, Books, etc.  So far, I’ve added items in several categories after thinking about it a few days.  I’m pretty sure I’ll think of more as the days go on.

I’m really looking forward to this trip.  I’ve always wanted to see the northwest.  I just need to get myself into better physical shape before we leave.  I’ve started an exercise routine and I’ll be adding to it as school is out soon and I won’t have kid duty anymore until the fall.

I’ve just about stopped taking pictures over the past couple of years what with Covid and not traveling.  To encourage getting back into it, I’ve ordered a new telephoto lens for my camera.  It should arrive before the weekend.  I’m excited about the whole thing.

Nevada Northern Railway – A bucket list location checked off my list!

Nevada Northern Railway – A bucket list location checked off my list!

Bryan Burton watches the landscape as we move to our next photo runby location as I take a photo of him and the train passing in the background out the window.

I have been wanting to visit and photograph the Nevada Northern Railway for several years now and has been on my bucket list! Well, in February I met up with fellow railfan and friend Bryan Burton from Denver Colorado, at Las Vegas, Nevada after my first airline flight since the start of COVID back in 2020! The flight was packed both ways, but everyone did as they were requested and kept their masks on and whenever possible kept socially distant!  From Vegas we drove to Ely, Nevada for the Nevada Northerns 2022 Winter Photography Charter! 

It was a beautiful weekend, even though we didn’t have what I’d call much of winter event as for the most part it was in the 50’s during the day and the only snow we had was whatever was left over in the shady parts of the landscape. Still we had a great time and I came back with a lot of great photos which are in a gallery below!

Off on another railfan trip to Strasburg, Pennsylvania

Off on another railfan trip to Strasburg, Pennsylvania

Norfolk Southern 4041 leads an intermodal through Horseshoe Curve at Altoona, Pennsylvania.

Well, despite COVID and the fact that we had both our shots, fellow railfan Ryan Scott and I set off on a weeklong trip to take part in a photography charter at the Strasburg Railroad in Strasburg, Pennsylvania from November 3rd – 8th of 2021! This was my second trip to Strasburg as my sister April and I visited there a year or so before COVID reared its ugly head! Ryan and I took a couple days going and coming so we could railfan along the way and several days in the Strasburg area during our charter.

For those that aren’t aware of what a photography charter is, it’s where a group charters a train for  a specific purpose, which in our case was to photograph or video the train during special photography runbys where we get off the train and various locations and the train crews run the train past us or pose for photos. It gives photographers a chance to capture photos that you wouldn’t be able to capture otherwise due to inaccessible or remote locations. Each person that participate pays a fee for the ability to participate. Ryan and I along with several other friends we know had a great time and I’ve added some of my favorite photos from the trip to a gallery below.