Shooting in Pennyrile Park
Photo time for the photo weekends at Pennyrile Park is split into two days. For most people, that is about five hours of afternoon and evening light on Friday and the same of morning light on Saturday, around 10 to 12 hours total, unless you have a penchant for night photography which could potentially extend your time to a full 24 hours. Personally, I am not partial to wandering the lake trails in the dark.

Since one of the categories for my Intermediate class this session is photos of the Lodge, I did try some night shots around the grounds, but I felt the lighted windows were too blown out, so I wound up not using them. That’s not unusual. We are allowed to turn in only one picture for each of four categories. I had a total of 274 images on my card when we stopped shooting to come in and eat lunch today. Picking four out of all that is time consuming, so we didn’t go back out afterwards. …