“Road Trip, Road Trip,” is the cry of the excited explorer when an interesting or challenging destination comes up in the conversation. But exactly what is required to make a “Roadtrip” as opposed to a shopping trip or family outing? I’m sure there are as many definitions as there are people who travel.
But, for the purposes of this website, we’re going to use my interpretation. A Roadtrip is any journey of any length to anywhere that involves taking photos or making side trips. If we go to Fort Campbell for groceries, like today, and stop to take pictures on the way back, it becomes a Roadtrip. If we leave town, at all, and there are more than 2 people in the car. It qualifies unless we are simply going to shop and coming straight home. A Roadtrip, essentially, is going someplace for fun that’s not part of your regular routine.

Today, we went to Fort Campbell for groceries. We do this once a month. In the beginning, it was a Roadtrip because it was an experimental shopping trip that we’d never tried before. Now it is a routine unless we do something else adventurous along the way, like take a different route, stop somewhere we don’t usually go, or wander along looking for photo ops. After we finished shopping this afternoon, we were talking about this week’s topic for our photo club’s yearly challenge. The assignment is to take a photo expressing symmetry. Jim said, “How about the crosses in the Veteran’s cemetery at Hopkinsville?” That’s all it took. We’d never been there, just driven past, and it was a photo op. Instant Roadtrip!
Now I know that some of you will disagree with me on this. So, what do you think it takes to turn a long drive into a Roadtrip? Half the fun of having a blog is the conversations. Comment below, let’s get something going.