Tripping in Kentucky

It bothers me how many people plan vacations to far away places and only bother with local points of interest when relatives come to visit. I’m not just talking about other people. It’s a long standing joke that New Yorkers don’t visit the Empire State Building. The same is true of Kentuckians, and our family has been as guilty as anyone.
We go frequently to Land Between the Lakes, less so to Mammoth Cave and Cumberland Falls, but I had never been to Boonesborough, My Old Kentucky Home or even our state capitol until a couple of years ago. As I have looked at guide books for various far off areas where we plan trips, I realize there are many places in Kentucky that I’ve never been. In an effort to correct this and educate people about places to see closer to home, Jim and I have a year long series of posts in the planning stages for this blog.

We intend to take a hard copy map (Yes, Virginia, they do still exist.) and divide it into a grid of 12 equal areas. We will pick points of interest in each grid and spend a month researching and visiting each one. We’re thinking that we’ll try to do some local interviews as part of the process. We hope to provide in-depth coverage of each area. It will be a regular feature and may include more than one post a month, depending on how much information we dig up.
Included will be events of interest, not just the month we’re covering, but all year long. It will be kind of like one of Jim’s photography club “year long challenges.” We may even decide to turn the year’s posts into a Travel Guide book of some sort. If it turns out well, we’ll extend it further afield the next year to cover an adjoining state, maybe Tennessee or Ohio.
I’m not sure yet when the series will start. We’re already committed to major road trips into October. Maybe we’ll plan something to hit the ether waves during November, just in time for the holiday kickoff.