Work in progress

Well, it’s been a week since we got back off the road from our three week trip and I’m finally getting around to editing the pictures I shot with my D700. I hope to have some of them posted for your viewing pleasure in the near future as I didn’t take the time to edit and process them from the road. Most of all the photos that you’ve seen from me during out recent trip were shot and processed using my iPhone 4, which still continues to amaze me what you can do with such a small device now days. As I told my good friend Jose Lopez Jr. during our visit with him in Crestline, Ca, I really like my iPhone!
Most of the photos I shot using the D700 during our stay at Arches National Park were shot as HDRs and therefore will take a little longer to process, but I think the resulting images have a greater impact using the dynamic range you get with HDR. – Stay tuned and check back!